Company News

UBS banker goes on trial

UBS’ Raoul Weil, who goes on trial in Florida on Tuesday, is accused of helping wealthy Americans evade millions in taxes. . .

Frequently asked questions on the Basel III leverage ratio framework

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has today issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Basel III leverage ratio. To promote consistent global implementation of the requirements, the Committee has agreed to periodically review frequently asked questions and publish answers along with any technical elaboration of the standard and any interpretative guidance that may be necessary. . .

Corporate governance principles for banks – consultative document

The largest global banks will have to hold more capital and liabilities than previously reported that can automatically be written off in a crisis — as much as a quarter of risk-weighted assets — as regulators take on lenders deemed too big to fail. . .

Mark Carney says bankers’ behaviour needs to change

Bankers’ behaviour still needs to change following the financial crisis, Bank of England governor Mark Carney has warned.

Global Banks Face 25% Loss-Absorbency Rule in FSB Plan

The largest global banks will have to hold more capital and liabilities than previously reported that can automatically be written off in a crisis — as much as a quarter of risk-weighted assets — as regulators take on lenders deemed too big to fail. . .